LMJ Sensors & Process Control (Industry 4.0)
Synova has developed advanced sensor technology and process enhancements allowing full control over the Laser MicroJet (LMJ) process. These industrial automation sensors make the LMJ a truly robust manufacturing technology.
1) Sensor Technology
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- 1. Automatic laser power control 1. Automatic laser power control
- 2. Automatic jet positioning sensor 2. Automatic jet positioning sensor
- 3. Automatic laser-nozzle alignment 3. Automatic laser-nozzle alignment
- 4. Automatic workpiece alignment 4. Automatic workpiece alignment
- 5. Automatic jet angle correction 5. Automatic jet angle correction
- 6. Automatic jet stability control 6. Automatic jet stability control
- 7. Automatic breakthrough detection 7. Automatic breakthrough detection
- 8. Automatic touch probing 8. Automatic touch probing
- 9. Automatic laser pulse monitoring 9. Automatic laser pulse monitoring
- 10. Automatic data logging 10. Automatic data logging
1. Automatic laser power measurement
2. Automatic jet positioning sensor
3. Automatic laser-nozzle alignment
4. Automatic workpiece alignment
5. Automatic jet angle correction
6. Automatic jet stability control
7. Automatic breakthrough detection
8. Automatic touch probing
9. Automatic laser pulse monitoring
10. Automatic data logging
2) Process Enhancements
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- 1. Water jet stabilization with gas 1. Water jet stabilization with gas
- 2. Thin water film 2. Thin water film
- 3. High power stabilization 3. High power stabilization
- 4. Jet protection system 4. Jet protection system
- 5. Optical head for 3D machining 5. Optical head for 3D machining
- 6. Micro coupling unit 6. Micro coupling unit
- 7. LaserTape 7. LaserTape
- 8. LMJ nozzle 8. LMJ nozzle
- 9. Cutting strategy 9. Cutting strategy
- 10. Dual laser 10. Dual laser
1. Water jet stabilization with gas flow
2. Thin water film
3. High power stabilization
4. Jet protection system
5. Optical head for 3D machining
6. Micro coupling unit
7. LaserTape
8. LMJ nozzle
9. Cutting strategy
10. Dual laser